Category Archives: Holiday

Enochima, Japan

Kamakura, Japan

Aimori, Japan

A freezing start of this years holiday…… Long trip from Tokyo, short stay.

I see this working out

IMG_9067Came across a Mazda showroom in the Umeda Sky Building (Osaka) with a new MX-5 in there. Couldn’t resist trying it out. Much more resembles my old NA then my NC getting into it as it feels like the seat is lower. Due to being in Japan the drivers side is on the right, which for us just feels odd. Also Sunny liked it which was for me a good sign as such the title of this post. 🙂

Osaka, Japan

Last day, travelled throughout Osaka the whole day. Japan, no idea what to expect and now looking backward, definitely worth a future visit.

Nara, Japan

Greetings from Holland….. err, no, I’m still illiterate, got fooled by the rain. Welcome to Nara, on a rainy day with a lot of deer that decided it was way nicer under the trees and right they were. Anything under the jacket was completely soaked.

Kyoto, Japan

Felt right at home, they paint almost everything in the Dutch national colour. How nice of them.

Himeji, Japan

If you are in Japan for the keeps (castles), for me Himeji Castle is by far the most impressive I’ve seen.

Hiroshima, Japan

I would not say this is the highlight of this holiday, it is however one that I’ll remember the most as it leaves an impression on anybody that would visit this place. Visit the Children Peace Monument, and try to read the story of Sasaki Sadako without getting a tear in your eye. Not many pictures, I wasn’t in the mood and Sunny’s iPhone suffered memory corruption and lost a lot of photos in the process for this day and tomorrow. If you’re worried about radiation, don’t. The only thing left here at the Atomic Dome is the usual 0.03millisievert background radiation from space as we have that in Western Europe as well, except we get a 0.22millisievert bonus from the ’86 Chernobyl disaster.

Okayama, Japan

The keep, the park and then the shinkansen to Hiroshima……