Category Archives: This Website

Upcoming Updates

Spend some time today doing updates as that didn’t happens since 2017. Number 11 arrived in that year. Most of the holiday pictures where added however at this moment there is a significant amount of pictures missing from Japanese and Italian destination of 2016/2017. Italy is missing completely still and about half of Japan is done. For this year not many pictures to post unless the backyard is a holiday destination. I for sure am glad I have a backyard to use this year.

Update: Japan 2017 is complete and start of Italy is there, so is number 11.

Spam on WordPress

So far I just ran about 10 keywords that would take out ~95% of all the Spam that ends up on a wordpress blog, I seem to get an endless repeat of certain fashion recaptchabrands and a the occasional search engine optimizer. The remainder I looked so every now end then if I add a post or do an update. Before implementing OTP (One time password) there was a simple captcha on the site which presented a simple math problem for you to solve and I’ve been using reCaptcha from Google for a long time on the homepage to obscure e-mail addresses so they do not get harvested for e-mail spam etc, there is a post about it from a couple of years ago. So, I went to have a look if there is a plugin available that uses reCaptcha on WordPress and found more than one. You have to register with Google to get a unique key for your domain and then enter that in the plugin and you are good to go. Unlike the previous captcha this one so far stopped more spam thus far and you can see it when you want to leave a comment or have a look at the ‘Contact Us’ page. You probably will need to keep a few keywords to deal with the few that still get in.

Comodo vs. Microsoft

As stated in the previous post, there where some issues with the Comodo Positive SSL implementation. Those where caused by the webserver supplying an incorrect certificate chain so verification failed on certain platforms, among those anything using Android as well as Firefox certificate stores.


A correct certificate chain shows the following certificates:

  • AddTrust External CA Root
  • COMODO RSA Certification Authority
  • COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
  • <your own identidy> on this website being *

However when looking at the Windows certificate store it showed the following on the two servers I tested with:

  • COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
  • <your own identity> on this website being *

And as this is published by any service using certificates any products actually verifying the whole chain will end up with a certificate failure. What essentially needs to be done is to fix the Windows certificate store to show you the first chain and not the second, as that resolves all the issues with Android, Firefox and maybe some others as well.

Comodo supplies the right certificates on their website, but I didn’t use that approach. When looking at the chain through Firefox (running on Ubuntu 14.04) it shows the chain as it should be, it also allows you to export the certificates in the chain. Those certificates I’ve imported into the Windows certificate store. The upper one has to go into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities container, the two others have to go into the Intermediate Certification Authorities container. I then noticed that it still didn’t show properly and searching by serial number I found a certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities container that I exported and then removed. Once this was done it showed up correctly and errors on both Firefox and Android are gone.

And all sites will become SSL enabled

SSL Certificate So far only some websites we run have been secured by an internal generated certificate which for everybody else caused a certificate error unless you imported the Certificate Authority that issued them somewhere. Now we’ve replaced it with a commercial certificate (wildcard version) to cover all the current websites and anything else we want to build or test in the future. Currently all sites will run with HTTPS, however it is not yet enforced, we will do this at a later stage. Both our blogs still can still start with HTTP however as soon as you go further it will go over into HTTPS, however we still need to edit some articles as they have collected hardcoded paths instead of relative paths in their content. This needs to be fixed until it will only run on HTTPS. Once that happens then if you then enter HTTP it will simply translate that to HTTPS for you.

Update (Sep 15): There where problems with Mozilla Firefox (Desktop as well as Mobile) throwing an error as well as Android (incl. Chrome browser), but these where due to a problem with the certificate chain. I did not test with others. Automatic rewrite on both as well as towards HTTPS is working fine. If the above doesn’t get resolved I will most likely revert that change until there is time to look at it. So with exception of the homepage everything is now SSL enabled. The homepage I didn’t do yet as it contains the cartoon that has an external source and cannot be obtained via HTTPS. This would throw alerts in certain browsers and as there is nothing special on that page, I left it as is.

And a new homepage

htmlThe redirect to that was there on the website since 2004 has now been replaced by a Modern UI homepage. This page is so modern it was written with notepad (and nano or vi after it was moved to its Linux based host) and should work with any browser that got released after 1998. On the other hand I’ve not written html pages since that period so thus far didn’t have to learn anything new. It has no CSS, javascript or any of the other features. It’s just a table formatted to remain centered on a screen. It can be squeezed a bit but the table backgrounds disappear on the right hand side which is the only drawback thus far. Maybe look into getting the tables fixed and as such allow for some sidescroll action or otherwise any expansion goes towards the bottom or in between but it will be a vertical scroller if things get added along the way. Anyway take a look at the source and you know what I mean by ahum… modern.

A lot of stuff is still pointing to the old portal pages, those will all be moved in due time to either secondary pages  on their own or pages in one of our blogs.

Update (September 2014): The tables cannot be squeezed any longer they are now a fixed width. Language specific versions for Dutch and Simplified Chinese are added. Sunny still has to check mistakes in the Chinese version so any errors in there are mine at the moment. Some links will revert back to the English version as the language specific version still needs to be created.

Update (July 2015): The above remark on not using JavaScript is no longer valid, it now contains a little bit of JavaScript to make the page clickable per tile rather than just the text itself.

First Post on the new Blog

A continuation from the previous Windows Sharepoint Services based blog. Which I wanted to migrate for a long period to Sharepoint Foundation 2010, however the ending of Technet subscriptions forced me in looking for other alternatives that do not expire every three months to half a year or cost a fortune to maintain. I did use Technet mostly for testing but also the services that you see on the outside where build on the subscription. All of these will slowly but surely be moved to Open Source for most of the functionality used by myself and members of the family. As at writing I’m still mostly a Windows System Engineer the majority of the hardware resources in use will still be dedicated for prototyping solutions based on a diversity of software coming from Redmond, however the more continues parts of the deal are now Linux based. I doubt that Microsoft will revise the policies around Technet as it was used for pirating a lot. However since I don’t have much time to test things within the time limits that Microsoft set, there is a small penalty which currently relates directly back to my work. Or I’ll simply introduce the solutions which I now build privately to work………… Anyway I hope to make same more contributions over time compared to last few years and see if I can move over all the old entries that are currently still in the Windows Sharepoint Services Portal while retaining their metadata.

Upgrades, upgrades, upgrades

The system that I’ve build last year is running out of memory, so now memory is affordable I’ve upgraded it to 32Gb from the 16Gb it had. This will have to do for another one and a half year.  Microsoft products seem to take up more and more memory, but with this memory I can experiment with all of the System Center products that are out there, which is why it was purchased. And the already existing Virtual Machines can all have a little bit more room as they all ran on low amounts of memory which in some cases even caused startup problems.

As it is standard desktop gear I replace it every three years as it does run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except when there is a power outage and there is no UPS behind it. On the other hand, I’ve been living in Gouda for over 11 years and the amount of outages can still be counted on a single hand. I guess the next one will have 128Gb of memory and 5*2Tb of storage or a mix of SSD and spinning disks. I’ll see, it isn’t the end of 2014 yet as that’s about the time it will be replaced and the choice for Hyper-V and ESXi will present itself again.

Why Hyper-V?

Lack of choice, would have been easier to remain on VM-Ware, now I had to V2V them all over onto a Hyper-V platform. Bought new hardware which supported 16Gb of RAM as the old system was maxed out at 8Gb and I’ve been running out of memory space for a period now making choices what to run and what not to run. As the notification said on the homepage (expires 9th of November) the old server is replaced by a new one. This one runs on a Quadcore 2400S (65W processor) with 16Gb of RAM which in the future can be expanded to 32Gb by replacing all of the DIMMs in the system, this should cover for the coming years. Keeping the price to a minimum came with the consequence it was no longer on any compatibility chart for VM-Ware and indeed the disk subsystem was not recognized, so now we continue on Hyper-V and as far as I know Linux (non Suse) is not really supported but it runs fine (Debian). Another surprise was the power usage. The old one was just below 80 Watts when utilized, this one cuts 20 Watts of it and has one harddrive more (Five 7200RPM WD 2.5″ Laptop drives instead of four in the last one, slowly moved one by one as the VMs moved as well to the new server).

The old server will be configured as a new workstation so the 6 year old HPs I still have can find a new place to live. But before that happens need get a new processor fan, after running over three years 24/7 the bearings are just about to cave in. The system has been a bit noisier than usual the last few months. For the rest it is ready to start its second life.

My own (cheap) VMWare ESXi box

asusBefore ESXi was released as a free product I’ve run the full blown version on an old HP Desktop for testing purposes which quite a few people used to run ESX 3.5 on and just reinstalling the product every 60 days. The main disadvantage was it’s powerconsumption with the P4 2.x – 3.x processor in there. Mine ran close to 100W continuesly. Until then I was running two MiniITX based systems which each consumed about 45W~50W each, but both of them getting close to three years of running time (continuesly). And as this one was supposed to run continuesly as well I thought it would be nice to cut down on power consumption by building a new solution but didn’t want to spend too much. I wanted to keep the budget below € 500,– for something that will last me hopefully three years, this was less then what I spend on the previous MiniITX solution. After investigating what was supported by VMWare and what was on stock at my favourite IT shop I decided on the following:

Asus Vintage V2-P5G33 barebone which supports up to 8Gb of memory and has a ICH9 SATA chipset, an Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33 Ghz processor, a 1Tb Samsung drive and 2*2Gb of memory (added 2*1Gb which I already had) and as the onboard networkcard was not supported a 1Gb Intel network card. Well within the set budget.

After piecing it together migrating the domain from the two previous servers and the HP Desktop adding a few other virtual machines which came from the existing ESX Desktop I looked at the power consumption which was about ~85W. It will not return itself through the electricity bill but I’ve got something that will run for the next three years again. Just in time as one of the MiniITX boxes finally caved in as the power supply died and the processor fan was making noise. The other one will be converted into a backup solution later on.

Running out of disk space

As this whole thing is actually meant for testing WSS (Windows Sharepoint Services) was installed with default settings. Never figured if I would use it longer, but after seeing decided it should replace the previous portal. However a default installation dumps the database files onto the system volume with all the consequences that go with it. In my case the system volume is tiny and as such I normally move data quite fast towards the data drive in order to protect the amount of diskspace on the system volume, however this program didn’t give an option to install the databases somewhere else. If you start looking on the web you see a lot of stories that will tell you how to do it, most of them being run through a command prompt application. If those would work I would have used them but for some reason or another they all ended in an error and as such that rendered them useless. In the end the move was very simple with only downloading one tool which was SQL Server Management Studio Express. After installing this tool you can connect to the database with the same servername as the command line tools did: \\.\pipe\mssql$microsoft##ssee\sql\query and then you can simply detach the databases, move them towards another drive and attach them again. Job was done in ten minutes. What more do you want? Do not use the default selections for this tool, you will end up with the same error as the command line tools did. This error says something like : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 – Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1). Good luck with the solution above anyway…