Upgrades, upgrades, upgrades

The system that I’ve build last year is running out of memory, so now memory is affordable I’ve upgraded it to 32Gb from the 16Gb it had. This will have to do for another one and a half year.  Microsoft products seem to take up more and more memory, but with this memory I can experiment with all of the System Center products that are out there, which is why it was purchased. And the already existing Virtual Machines can all have a little bit more room as they all ran on low amounts of memory which in some cases even caused startup problems.

As it is standard desktop gear I replace it every three years as it does run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except when there is a power outage and there is no UPS behind it. On the other hand, I’ve been living in Gouda for over 11 years and the amount of outages can still be counted on a single hand. I guess the next one will have 128Gb of memory and 5*2Tb of storage or a mix of SSD and spinning disks. I’ll see, it isn’t the end of 2014 yet as that’s about the time it will be replaced and the choice for Hyper-V and ESXi will present itself again.

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