Tag Archives: Android


That’s one large file, not sure what the phone was thinking but it contains a bit more than just the picture as dimension wise it is no different than the others and they average between 2 to 4 Mb.


Yes, we take photo’s with a standard smart phone. As in most cases we move about a lot we try to carry as less as possible. Essentially anything you didn’t use the last time, you do not pack the next time. I would suggest to pack the things you missed or couldn’t acquire as long as it passes the airline restrictions of these days.


To Japan we actually took one small suitcase, but it was left behind when moving locally, which was a first in years with the exception of China. I think I can even go without a suitcase to China as there is still clothing left at my in-laws. But better to take one with me, otherwise you stand out and get picked out of the queue by local customs.


Android Mail vs Exchange

Ran into an issue that the native mail client couldn’t be configured on an Android device (specifically a Galaxy S4 from Samsung with either a version 4.3 or 4.4 of Android on it). The server it should connect to is an older Exchange 2007 environment (UR11 at the time this was happening). When trying it always ended up with the remark that the supplied username and password where invalid. Looking into the configuration of the mail client there is a DeviceID mentioned starting with SEC and then a certain amount of hexadecimal numbers, while in Active Directory I found a DeviceID that started with androidc. Through the aid of powershell I added the SEC DeviceID as found in the mail profile of the phone, waited a few moments and then applied the settings again and this time it picked it up and is working. Below is a small script to add a DeviceID into Exchange if you have the same issue, just supply the Exchange Alias together with the DeviceID from the phone and it might work for you too. If it is more permanent I’ll update it with a nicer version that includes error handling and comments. Needless to say there needs to be some time spend on why this is happening.

$Alias = Read-Host "Exchange Alias ......... : "
$DevID = Read-Host "New ActiveSync Device ID : "
$DData = (Get-CASMailbox -Identity $alias).ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs
$DData = $DData+$DevID
Set-CASMailbox -Identity $Alias -ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs $DData
Write-Host "Written ActiveSyncDeviceID $DevID to alias $alias."

New gadget to play with

Archos TV ConnectIt’s called the Archos TV Connect, which essentially is a tablet without a screen and battery, it has the rest of the connectors and as an extra a fixed network port which makes streaming 1080p no issue at all. As a screen you would normally use a TV or otherwise a monitor provided it comes with an HDMI input. On the picture you see the unit on top of the television and the remote in front of the TV. The remote includes a keyboard, game input and also can function as a fly mouse.

A have it for a couple of weeks and the device works fine. No problems with it thus far. Replaced the launcher with Smart Launcher Pro as this has no need for swiping and is more a point and click interface which serves the fly mouse well and it has a quicklaunch facility on its homescreen which is visible in the picture as well. Turn on click what you want to do which in case of a TV connected device is watching media of one form or another or video conferencing. The camera does the job however it is similar to what you find on a tablet and it would have been nice to have one which would deliver a sharper image on a 1080p display. The other side will not notice it I guess but if you use the standard camera app it is clearly visible the camera is on the lower end of the spectrum. That’s also all I can find as a downside to this device. I’ll have some more fun with it in the future, it’s greatest feature is acting as an endpoint for Youtube videos which I can select on my phone and then play on the TV. In the near future ‘Netflix’ will most likely be added as well besides the DLNA compliant Archos audio and video apps which currently connect to local storage. For those of you with older AC-3/DTS receivers, there is no seperate SPDIF or Toshlink connector and if your TV doesn’t pass on the full surround signal you might be left with plain stereo sound.The street price is a little over 133 Euros at the time of writing and I wouldn’t be surprised in a few months time it will be 99 Euros or something close to that. Enough of that as there is another gadget that needs some attention, the Leap Motion.