Category Archives: Consoles

And there goes another 100 hours

Fallout 4… As I got about the same amount of hours in the previous versions Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, this one will cost me probably something along the same amount to go through. A game with a lot of humour and therefor I’ve always liked to play it. In all cases it is up to you to survive a nuclear post apocalyptic environment where this time it all plays around Boston, in previous versions this was Washington and Las Vegas. Plenty of material to be found on the internet on the game itself so I’m going to continue now…

Playstation 3 Controller not responding

Hmmm…. suddenly both the PS3 Controllers I have are no longer working over the bluetooth connection. They work fine over USB but that does not allow for much distance from the console itself which will be awkward in most cases as it is placed near the television. Found some items on YouTube stating to use the reset button which you find on the bottom of the controller (small round hole next to screw placed in the middle), however just doing that didn’t fix it. After some trial and error found how I could reset them, and this is the order of what I’ve done to get them running again.

1) Turn on PS3, connect the controller with the USB cable.
2) Press the reset button on the bottom part of the controller for 5 seconds, it turns off immediately the five seconds came from YouTube not sure if really necessary.
3) Turn on the controller.
4) Disconnect USB cable, it will start flashing and then connects.

Hope this will help some of you guys struggling with the same issue.

Wii has company

It’s called a PS3, and as the new slim models are coming out the old ‘fat’ models go on sale and that’s where I got mine. Bought it with two controllers so together with Sunny we can play Little Big Planet which is one of the additional games that I bought with it. Sure beats the Wii in graphics etc. etc. but we will see which one of the consoles will be used most in the near future. For Sunny I think it stays with the Wii due to the type of games on there, I will probably use the PS3 a bit more. The only thing that will stay with the Wii is the Guitar Hero setup as I would like to have the full kit one of these days and that gives us two guitars to play around with.

I’m tired…

She loved it….. too much. I’m tired, I can feel my feet hurt a bit which hopefully will be gone tomorrow. Need some exercise…. buy this. But now I’m being forced to compete against her again this evening. Phew, never knew she could be this demanding. These games win if it comes to exercise compared to Wii Sports, at least that’s my opinion. Got no problem playing tennis for three hours, but I will not survive this for the same amount of time, that’s for sure. And yes, I’m referring to yesterdays post.

Wii time

My parents are very pleased with their Wii. Now they can play tennis, bowling etc. with each other as it came with two complete sets of controllers. When I left they where still playing tennis in Wii Sports. I’ll lend them a game or two on occasion from my own collection so they have something else to play as well. Although I do not see them play SplinterCell: Double Agent or Medal of Honour, but Wii Play or Kororinpa might work out just well. Krystelle, this beats the Sims which you’ve been playing when you where here. I read today it rains badly in the New South Wales coastal areas. But not enough to remove the water restrictions which are in effect these days. So whenever you will feel fit to come to Holland again, you can play the Wii at my parents place.