My own thoughts on the iPad

During my stay here in China I was asked to look at an iPad a friend of the family had bought because she could watch movies on it. Thought it was a kind of expensive as a video player, especially here in China where dedicated video players are dirt cheap and play just about anything opposed to the standard video player in the Apple.

But it allowed me my first experience with the device and coming from Apple it is at least a solid high quality build product. But after trying it out for a few weeks I decided not to buy one myself.

Found it a bit heavy and to big to carry around, especially as I normally don’t like to carry around bags and such. I had a number of issues it couldn’t find the WiFi Access Point where my laptop had no issues but tend to think this is simply caused by the product itself as due to the way you hold it the antenna aren’t always aligned that well. With a laptop this less of an issue. Found iTunes a horrible product, and was not able to share uploaded data between applications, it seems to have restrictions in this. The video files uploaded from an iPhone was playable only on the onboard videoplayer, a later installed VNC player couldn’t use it, it had to be uploaded again. Bummer. Would have liked a folder structure to access the data I want to access. It’s not just negative, loved the capacitive screen with multitouch. Found Harbour Master, eventhough it was the freeware version utterly addictive. Web browsing was a breeze, although Flash is missing I noticed.

Also Sunny enjoyed it, so now it’s a thing of finding a tablet which is the size of Samsungs Galaxy Tab, which is the only other one I saw besides huge amounts of local Chinese things with the older resistive screens. The experience isn’t great once you’ve used a capacitive screen and after some didn’t want to start in the shop I decided those aren’t for me. When I have time I’ll see what else is on the market on 7 inch tablets, so my arm doesn’t start to hurt when using it for longer periods. I don’t need 3G either and fail to see why the Samsung device is so expensive, you would almost by an Apple for just that reason alone……..

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