Life after people…

gwall… A very intersting look on the world of people suddenly vanished from the Earth. It was broadcasted on the History Channel in the US. I have no idea if it was broadcasted in Europe as well as I’m not there at the moment. Life after people simply looks at how all our achievements would decay as we do no longer maintain them. Takes about a thousand years for nature to erase just about everything humanity stands for. It looks like both the Great Wall of China and the Great pyramid of Giza will outlive most of the modern marvels. If you have a chance, watch the show. Something in the same line is BBC’s End Day. However this shows six possibilities on how the earth will end. According to some sources, in the US the supervulcano was left out, most likely because lava was flowing through Washington DC, however New York being flooded didn’t seem to be a problem. The part dealing with strange matter I find less likely and looked more like something from a science fiction novel, however I must admit that I’ve got no idea on it’s current developments.

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