50 Years ago…

The Russians launched their very first satellite ‘Sputnik‘ and with that started what is commonly known as the ‘Space Race‘ between them and the USA. This finally ended with the USA going to the moon a couple of times. After that it became more scientific and less about prestige. And now the eyes are trained on the moon again by more then one nation so it starts to look like a new ‘Space Race’ is about the emerge, who knows. I just hope I can go to moon one day as a tourist and maybe even further. Being a die hard Science Fiction fan this is easily explained of course, even though the moon will be a dull barren place with only it’s low gravity being a sensation (in bumping ones head against the ceiling that is). In the end we as species need to get off this rock (being Earth) as in the end it will stop supporting us, either naturally or by our own wrong doing. But imagine this, as one reporter on BBC World said, the Chinese picking up the American flag from Tranquility Base (Apollo 11 landing site) and selling it on Ebay

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