Secure passwords

We all know and use secure passwords right, we also know that a password need to be secure and the longer the password is and the more complex the password will enhance its security. The problem is that remembering these passwords is not always that easy until I was listening to a podcast called ‘Security Now’ and somebody with the name Steve Gibson said something about easily rememberable but yet still secure passwords. Read the following link : if you want to know more about this. Essentially now you can create long passwords which are still easy to remember as the attacker has no idea what you’ve used. I still recommend a bit of creativity in your easy but still secure password. Something like ‘##########COFFEE———-‘ might be considered very secure but still can be guessed by somebody looking over your shoulder. The above mentioned password supposedly takes over 6 centuries to guess, while something like ‘W@nD3R!ng’ is guessed within 2 hours. This should start you thinking……..

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